The word 'byte' is a contraction of 'by eight.'
The dollar symbol ($) is a U combined with an S (U.S.)
Maine is the toothpick capital of the world.
Barbie's measurements if she were life size: 39-23-33.
The tune for the "A-B-C" song is the same as "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star."
Des Moines has the highest per capita Jello consumption in the U.S.
Pinocchio is Italian for "pine head."
In the last 4000 years, no new animals have been domesticated.
Great Britain was the first county to issue postage stamps. Hence, the postage stamps of Britain are the only stamps in the world not to bear the name of the country of origin.
Since 1896, the beginning of the modern Olympics, only Greece and Australia have participated in every Games.
Marie Curie, the Nobel prize winning scientist who discovered radium, died of radiation poisoning.
Medical research has found substances in mistletoe that can slow down tumor growth.
Microsoft made $16,005 in revenue in its first year of operation.
Most dust particles in your house come from dead skin.
Nazi leader Adolf Hitler had only one testicle.
New York''s Central Park is nearly twice the size of the entire country of Monaco.
Next to Warsaw, Chicago has the largest Polish population in the world.
Nylon is made from coal and petroleum.
Oil tycoon, John D. Rockefeller, was the world''s first billionaire.
On average, a disposable diaper can hold up to 7 pounds of liquid.
On average, the life span of an American dollar bill is eighteen months.
One gallon of used motor oil can ruin approximately one million gallons of fresh water.
Paper money is not made from wood pulp but from cotton. This means that it will not disintegrate as fast if it is put in the laundry.
Pilgrims did not eat with forks. They only used spoons, knives and their fingers.
Q-Tip Cotton Swabs were originally called Baby Gays.
Rapper LL Cool J''s name is short for ëLadies Love Cool Jamesí.
Reno, Nevada is actually west of Los Angeles, California.
Research indicates that babies who suck on pacifiers are more prone to ear aches.
Some asteroids have other asteroids orbiting them.
Some toothpastes and deodorants contain the same chemicals found in antifreeze.
Tasmania is said to have the cleanest air in the world.
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