The odds are 1 out of 3,333,333 (.00003%) that you will be killed in a mass murder this year. - The Week Magazine, 4/24/09
The odds are 1 out of 4 (23%) that you have borrowed money from family or friends this year. - Time Magazine, 4/27/09
The odds are 1 out of 9 (11%) that you live with your parents or in-laws if you're between age 35 aned 44. - The Week Magazine, 5/29/09
The odds are 1 out of 167 (.6%) that you have blood type AB-. - Wired Magazine, 6/09
The odds are 1 out of 3 (30%) that you have failed to pay a bill on time this year. - Time Magazine, 4/27/09
The odds are 1 out of 12 (8%) that you (if you're over age 12) have used an illegal drug within the past month. - Parade Magazine, 5/24/09
The odds are 1 out of 5 (20%) that you have not filled a presciption this year because of the cost. - Time Magazine, 4/27/09
The odds are 1 out of 200,000 (.0005%) that you will die in an accident due to "drowsy driving". - The Week Magazine, 4/17/09
The odds are 2 out of 3 (67%) that you're currently overweight. - Time Magazine, 12/1/08
The odds are 1 out of 3500 (.029%) that you will be injured this year by your pet. - The Week Magazine, 4/10/09
The odds are 1 out of 4 (27%) that your blood pressure is too high. - Time Magazine, 12/1/08
The odds are 24 out of 25 (96%) that you can't remember the last time you had a salad. - Time Magazine, 12/1/08
The odds are 1 out of 520 (.192%) that you subscribe to an adult-content website if you live in Montana. - Discover Magazine, 5/09
The odds are 1 out of 182 (.547%) that you subscribe to an adult-content website if you live in Utah. - Discover Magazine, 5/09
The odds are 6 out of 10 (59%) that you want to throw every person in Congress out and start all over. - The Week Magazine, 12/26/08
The odds are 9 out of 10 (90%) that you somehow cheat if you're a student in high school. - The Week Magazine, 10/24/08
The odds are 1 out of 3 (36%) that you have a criminal record, if you have graduated from the Atlanta Police Academy. - The Week Magazine, 10/24/08
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