75% of poop is water.
Of the remaining 25%,
1/3 is Fiber our bodies can't digest, but it helps our poop move through our body.
1/3 is composed of dead bacteria.
1/3 is a mixture of fat, inorganic salts, dead cells, mucus, and live bacteria.
Poop stinks because bacteria produce foul smelling compounds that are rich in sulfur and nitrogen.
Poop that floats have unusually high gas content.
Rabbits can poop up to 500 pellets a day.
With the help of a high fiber diet, the longest poop ever recorded was 26 feet long.
The outer skin of a corn kernel is indigestible and only seems like a whole kernel when it comes out.
Some caterpillars can fling their poop up to three feet to elude predators.
The average human poops 2 pounds a day.
Elephants produce up to 80 pounds a day.
Coffee cherries are fed to Civets ( a small weasel like animal), during the digestion, the animal's enzymes mix with the coffee beans and it comes out in their poop.
Civet coffee can cost up to $600.00 a pound.
The color of poop.
Brown, caused by bilirubin, a pigment resulting from the breakdown of red blood cells.
Green, The over consumption of leafy, green vegetables.
Red, caused by bleeding in the lower digestive tract or rectum.
Yellow, Indicates bowel hyper-mobility, or to much stomach acid.
Blue, Illness in babies, or foods that contain high amounts of blue food coloring.
White, lack of bile.
Black, indicates bleeding in the upper digestive tract.
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