Your 6 miles up, your alone, your falling.
First off your lucky, well at least luckier than that drunk guy that fell off a balcony a mere ten stories up. Nobody lives after one of those.
You have about three minutes to impact. Because air is scarce at 35,000 feet your about to pass out from hypoxia. you'll be out for a full minute. When you wake up, remember what your about to read.
Your awake, time to save your life. Speed wise, your going to top out at about 120 MPH, which you did after the first 1500 feet. Spread your legs and arms out making as large a surface area as possible. This will slow your decent, slightly.
Your at 22,000 feet think big. A snow covered mountain is your best bet. Swamps with their spongy plant life is also good. If you've heard about aiming for a hey mound, don't. At this height it's the size of a grain of sand. Farm land, although not as soft, the tilled Earth is better than asphalt. There is a debate concerning a water impact. Some say it's the best, some say it's the worst. If you have other options, choose something else. You can't drown in a corn field. Trees are bad. There have been several survivors that landed in trees. Trees tend to skewer more than save. Your very last resort, a large flat building. You'll pass through the roof, but with luck that will slow your decent enough that when you hit the floor, you'll live.
Your now at 1,000 feet and your journey is almost complete. It's time to go from flat, to pointy. Whatever your aiming for, aim with your feet. The idea is that as your lower body strikes the ground, it absorbs some of the energy and protects your brain. Nearly every fall whether from 35 feet, or 35,000 feet, death is due to trauma to the brain. Roll if possible, it could be the thing that saves your life.
After thought, if you could have latched on to a peace of wreckage from the plane and road it down. You would have been three times more likely to survive. Their called wreckage riders, the chunk of plane absorbs some of the impact, and slowed your decent.
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