He's all foam, no beer.
The cheese slid off his cracker.
Couldn't pour water out of a boot with instructions on the heel.
He fell out of the stupid tree and hit every branch on the way down.
She's as smart as bait.
He doesn't have all his dogs on one leash.
He forgot to pay his brain bill.
Her sewing machine's out of thread.
His belt doesn't go through all the loops.
Proof that evolution CAN go in reverse.
In the pinball game of life, his flippers were a little further apart than most.
I would not allow this employee to breed.
This employee is really not so much of a has-been, but more of a definite won't be.
Works well when under constant supervision and cornered like a rat in a trap.
When she opens her mouth, it seems that this is only to change whichever foot was previously in there.
This young lady has delusions of adequacy.
She sets low personal standards and then consistently fails to achieve them.
This employee should go far - and the sooner he starts, the better.
This employee is depriving a village somewhere of an idiot.
She's not the sharpest knife in the drawer.
She got into the gene pool while the lifeguard wasn't watching.
I love you more today than tomorrow.
You were so ugly when you were born, the doctor put tinted windows on the incubator.
He's got a full 6-pack, but lacks the plastic thingy to hold it all together.
He's a gross ignoramus - 144 times worse than an ordinary ignoramus.
She's got a photographic memory but with the lens cover glued on.
She's a prime candidate for natural deselection.
He's as bright as Alaska in December.
One-celled organisms out score him in IQ tests.
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